Model Yacht Racing
The Dragon Flite 95 was originally designed by John Tushingham whose brother Roger has been a member of this club for many years. The DF 95 is a very simple and responsive yacht to sail and there are now nearly 7000 of them being raced worldwide.
A group of us decided two years ago that it would be nice to get a few of them and race them down at Batson during the long winter months. The yachts themselves are bought as a kit and take about five hours to put together, they have two servos, one controls the rudder and the other the sails.
Our group has now expanded to 26+ yachts and racing them in between the pontoons at Batson has proved to be both fun and exciting.
There is a lot of info on the web for those interested in joining us so just type in Dragon Flite 95 and have a browse and if you want to see them in action pop down to Batson on or about high water on a Sunday.
All racing at Batson - do go along and watch or join in!!
There is an active Whatapp Group too - please contact Scud or Chris below:
For more information, please contact -
Chris Turns at
Ian 'Scud' Stewart at